My dearest husband sent Aida and me to Harbour Front, to take the bus to KL last Sat at 215pm. Hadi, Hanaa and Nadhrah followed to send me off. Eema said goodbye from home. I kissed them all, and we went to our bus. The bus moved off at 230pm, right on schedule. It was an uneventful ride. We watched Incredible Hulk and 4/5 of the Kite Runner movie in the bus.
We reached KL about 720pm, and checked into Corus Hotel, which was right where the bus stopped. The room had 2 super single beds, and I love the corporate design of their bedroom slippers and their packagings. It was swirly black and white. Then we went to grab a bite at KLCC - which was a walking distance - and got some bread for next morning. That night, I confirmed with Anis again, about where we should meet. Because the day before, she said, meet at 'Deen's corner'. Yup, as if I go there every month and know Deen. I have never in my life been to Taman Melawati (I think). She said, we'll see it when we reach Taman Melawati.

The next morning, right after Subuh we left the hotel. It was still dark. It's the first time ever for me to go out before 6am in KL. Errm..in fact I don't remember the last time I go out before 6am even in Singapore. Maybe I should do it. Because sunrise and sunsets are beautiful anywhere on earth.
Right, so we stopped a cab on the road in front of the hotel. We got a pakcik driver, who didn't sound so sure about where Taman Melawati is. He asked us for RM20. He said it's quite far. Our local friends told us it's near.. only 20mins. Maybe it's just the difference in their perception of near and far. Like how I read in 'Three Cups of Tea' - the person in Pakistan, near Askole was telling the writer how 'near' his place is. "It's only three or seven hours drive". Yeah..three OR SEVEN hours.
Alhamdulillah, about 25 mins later, we actually found Deen's Corner, which was actually called 'Deen's Nasi Kandar Restaurant'. It was at a corner. When we arrived, Anis was there standing near her car, talking to a man on a motorcycle, asking for directions to Empangan Ulu Klang. If Anis was not there.. how da dey?. The kind young man on the motorcycle, asked Anis to follow behind him. But we had to wait for Anis' guy friend (phew, at least a guy in our group). When he arrived quite shortly, we all got into Anis' friend's car and followed the young man on the bike. Halfway there, Anis claimed that the route is starting to look familiar. Good sign.
Approx. 7 minutes later, we came a to dead end, where the gate to the empangan (which means 'dam' - I learnt a Malay word) was. On one side of the dead end narrow road, was somebody's house. the other side, dense bushes. But there were many cars parked there - so I thought, this has to be the place. I was looking out near the gate, to see where the start of the trail could be. Then Anis told us, yes, this is the place - the other time she went, she started over 'there' and pointed to the dense bushes.

So once the car was parked.. true enough, there was a sort of path just behind the stone among the bushes. And I'm kind of glad and excited that it's nothing like the ready hiking trail in Bt Timah Singapore. this is a more REAL hike. I mean like we were really CLIMBING.. not just walking. Cause the hill is to steep to actually 'walk'. To make it more exciting, it was still kind of dark when we started climbing at 650am. (our original plan was to start climbing at 620am) :p
About 20-25 mins later, we reached the lower peak. And the sight there, was already just so wonderful. My target was just the first peak.. so we stopped there. Anis was also seriously not eager on going any further. Up to that point, the hike is bearable.
We stayed at that first, lower peak for about 30-45 mins, just enjoying the breeze and the view, and having our bread and drink. We were careful not to litter that beautiful place, and kept our trash in our bag, to throw at the hotel. After taking a few hundred shots, we made our way down. The climb down was as demanding as the climb up - but I feel you need to be extra careful climbing down.

At the place we we started/end the hike, at Empangan Ulu Klang, is also the 'TAMAN REKREASI' - where you can surprisingly (for a Singaporean) find a nice clear water river. If not for all the uncleared rubbish near the rubbish bin, the place would have been much much prettier.
I think this is the serious issue with beautiful places in Malaysia.. they are easily tarnished by the litter that people so thoughtlessly throw about, inviting flies and other pests.. I wish most of them would take more pride in keeping their beautiful country clean.

We learnt from fellow hikers we met along the way, that there are actually 6 peaks in all, at Bukit Tabur. It is said to be considered the longest crystal quartz outcrop in the world. (source http://www.naturemalaysia.com/bukit-tabur.htm)
It's then no wonder that I've read varying accounts of the Bt Tabur hike on various blogs. Some said it's easy, a 6 yr old can do it. (although I'm not sure if a playful 6 yr old should do it - because you NEED to keep on track and not fool around. Just 1 meter away, it could be a steep ravine). Others say it's DIFFICULT. Then, there are others who say you can finish the hike in 1-2 hrs, others say up to 4 hours.
And then, there's also the news about 2 seasoned climbers who fell off the ravine at Bt Tabur and died, just few weeks ago. So all of these depends on how many peaks you want to attempt, and from which end you start, and if you go off the normal, but not so obvious trail. (Of course I don't even know how the trails look like, towards the other 5 peaks).
For all the effort and the sweat for climbing to that lower peak, you'll be rewarded with this beautiful views. Oh, and I really have to thank Anis for bringing us there. love her much.

After we got down, we had our breakfast at Kak Jee's stall (I'm not sure exactly where), where we had nice cute nasi lemak,
and saw this handsome cat.
Then, I also have to thank MHB for graciously having us at her beautiful home, to taste her delicious lunch and chocolate desert. And Annie for her company :) Aida had two servings of MHB's chocolate cake because she couldn't help it, then felt so full that she swore she will not have another choc cake for the rest of her life or week.
Next day, she had another piece that MHB packed for us. :D
That night, we also rewarded ourselves with lean meat (daging salai) and more meat in the form of steak.
My.. what a FULLfilling trip.
Alhamdulillah. :)
p.s. more bukit tabur pics
>> here. :)