Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Friday, August 28, 2020

Dreamt that I dreamt of my mother

I've been waiting so long to have a vivid dream of my late mother. You know when we sleep, our souls leave our body, just like the dead. And for those who are destined to still live, the soul returns. 

So during sleep, our souls are wandering, i don't know where. I'd like to think that mine has met my mom's in the other dimension. 

 So before I forget... Just now I took a nap after my subuh, and I dreamt. We were somehow living in a condo on the ground floor. And as I was sliding the window, open, I found that somehow it was not moving evenly. (must be all the architect videos I was watching). And then I checked below, and found that when i moved the window, the wall below it shifted and then one more slide of the window, the wall broke into pieces. 

 I called my husband, and as I was speaking to him, in some how a chaotic situation - everyone was talking - the door bell rang. We opened the door and my mother was there! She had straight should length hair in white dress (yes white dress - probably like the one my daughter has) and she was smiling so widely. So I said 'mak!!' and hugged her tight. 

I looked for my father, but apparently she came alone. I asked her to sit, and I think at that point her hair looked more like when she left us. At that point somehow, I supposedly woke up from my dream and went to tell my husband that I dreamt of my mom so vividly - very vividly it was as if she was really really here. 

 And then Hanaa came out to show me a photo frame she wanted to give me for my birthday and it was a picture of her, my mother and me. And she said, 'you know atuk chose this picture right'? [after this i'm not sure which comes first and the exact sequence, but the following happened in my dream] Then I continued complaining to my husband about the wall, and somehow, he was already at another place and I found myself talking to the wall (wow - this is...). 

Then I noticed that there were many drawings on the wall, and Hadi said it was his, from when he was a boy. He ran in the room to take something to show. 

And then I went back 'downstairs', now it's somehow downstairs' to the balcony by the river -  or was it flooded? - anyway, someone found a body that may still be alive, and the doctor and ambulance was waiting there, then suddenly the boy was on a floating stage of somekind with another boy who is chinese, interviewing him for short while and speak a bit and finished of with some arabic phrases like he heard on the radio at the end of religious lectures.. (was that Isa Ma? haha). 

 And then I recalled the very vivid dream I had about my mom - and then I woke up for real and now I am smiling, happy that I had a dream about my mom - even if it was a dream, in that dream - it was vivid and she looked so well and happy :) 
 May Allaah forgive all of our parents sins and gather all of us in Jannatul Firdaus. Aamiin. Have a great Friday. :) Then I went back 'upstairs' to see the situation about the wall.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Who to blame for discords in family and friends

Have you, yourself, ever said or did something in the spur of the moment, but regret it right after it happened or even as it was happening - however due to the circumstances do not have the chance to explain or apologise or change it. There are times, we say things or react in a way, we wish we had not. We don't want to. But if we didn't mean to do it, why did we do it anyway? It is from our subconscious mind and syaitan. And insyaaAllaah, both we can slowly overcome, if we habitually remind ourselves and be aware of our words and actions - even if we did not manage to stop it - but we should reflect on it, quickly repent (say astaghfirullah) and TRY our best to avoid it in future. And God knows best. This may also happen to others around us. Always give them this benefit of doubt - that they didn't mean to say or act that way too - most of the time. I believe that everyone has the desire to be good and do good - but sometimes syaitan us off course. Syaitan is human's avowed enemy. In surah Yusuf, Yusuf's brothers were plotting to even kill him, but decided instead to throw him in a well - so maybe someone else will take him away. Like that, Yusuf A.S. was separated from his beloved father for so many many years. I cannot imagine the pain of one losing a child and a child losing his parent. Even then, at the end of it all, Yusuf A.S. forgave his brothers and mentioned of the episode as 'when syaitan had sown dissensions between me and my brothers' (12:100). There is a big lesson for us here. Based on the earlier mentioned consideration and this story of Yusuf A.S. - I also try to have this mindset. When someone among my friends or family does or say (or not say) some thing that may (or may not) have hurt my feelings - I try to remember Yusuf's story. Syaitan has sown it - and syaitan is THE enemy - not our family or friends. With that, it becomes easier to be understanding and to overlook those mistakes and forgive sincerely insyaaAllaah. Then make doa, that Allaah will make us strong and sow love and sincerity in our hearts toward our family, friends and people in general. And that Allaah forgive all of our sins and theirs, for Allaah is Most Merciful and Most Forgiving.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Mary A.S. Mother of Jesus Christ A.S.

There are benefits to understanding the Arabic words of the Quran - even if it's just very basic, i.e. like you have an idea of the meanings, although you cannot translate it word for word. It helps with the Quran memorisation. 

 And then, there are benefits to memorising the Quran with that method as you read those words you roughly or fully understand, again and again, and the message gets to your head and your heart. As we memorise the words, our minds wonder and ponder over the words and the message. 

I don't memorise the Quran page by page from the start. First, I memorised those necessary surahs, or surahs that aids in us trying to accomplish the sunnahs of our prophet S.A.W. E.g. every night we are supposed to read Al-Mulk, so I try to memorise the Al-Mulk in order to better achieve reading it every night. 

After basically memorising those surahs that I want to read regularly, I start to try to memorise surahs that attract me. One example would be Al Qamar - "We have certainly made the Quran easy for remembrance, then who will be of one who remembers?" How apt. This verse, repeated a few times in the surah, attracted me. 

Right now, I am trying to memorise surah Maryam, which is the intended topic of this post. As mentioned, trying to memorise by understanding the words, helps. 

 Now I am at the verses which tells us the story of Mary A.S. when she conceived and gave birth to Jesus Christ A.S. Subhanallaah what kind of a big test she must have been through, to be alone while going through something she is unfamiliar with - pregnancy and the pangs of childbirth up to a point where she wished she becomes one forgotten and forgets. 

 Of course, God inspired her and got her through the childbirth. She was nourished with ripe dates from the palm tree she was under, and with a stream underneath her. "So, eat, drink and cool your eyes (be calm and contented - a nice proverb I would like to ponder and think aloud about, perhaps in another post)". 

Then comes her next big test and sacrifice, to declare to the very next person she meets, of her 'promised act' (nazar) to God, to never again speak to another human being. This is so interesting - the fact that she has to make this declaration to the next person she meets - that would be the last time she would ever speak to a human being, and that would also be her alibi of why she never spoke again - of course this follow up story, was never mentioned or told of in the Quran - it's just something I pondered about and found so measured and wise. 

With this promised act, of course, it would be impossible to defend herself effectively when she goes back to her people with a baby in her arms. 

 True enough her people started questioning her, saying her parents were good people and why has she become like this. She could only gesture to the baby in her arms. The people protested and said, 'How can we speak to a baby in a cradle?!' 

 Then another miracle happened - baby Jesus Christ A.S. - a baby - spoke to defend his mother. Can you imagine how miraculous, how so very cute that is?!?! I can't imagine.. a baby, speaking, I'm sure in his baby's voice right? I don't think he'd speak in a man's voice? Allaahu a'lam. 

He declared, "I am the servant of God, and I have been made a prophet. I have been given the scripture and I am blessed wherever I may be, and ordered to do solat (pray) and give zakah (alms) for as long as I live. I am made to be kind to my mother, and not be a wretched tyrant (arrogant, unblest). So peace be upon me on the day I was born, and the day I would die, and the day I would be raised again." 

 What a powerful message coming from a baby. It's something undeniably miraculous, and can only be true. 

God goes on to say, 'That is Jesus, the son of Mary - the Word of Truth, for which they (people then and people until now) doubt.' 

What a beautiful, beautiful story. I am in love with it, I'm so glad I have been able to memorise up to this point for now - and be able to absorb the beautiful story of Mary A.S. and Jesus Christ A.S. 

 That's all I wanted to share and get off of my exhilarated heart and mind from this verses. :) May Allaah let me keep this verses and the verses I have so far memorised, secure in my heart and mind. Aamiiin. 

 I hope all Christians will come to learn of this portion of the beautiful story of Mary A.S. and Jesus Christ A.S. that is not explained in the Bible and find it so very meaningful. May it also be a source of guidance. Aamiin. 

 Have a blessed life all. #quran #muslimliving #muslimlife #jesuschrist #jesussonofmary #quranbookforchristiansandjews #dohashtagsworkonblogger ? #noharmtrying