J : testings and reports both urgent, which one to do first?
boss : it's best if you can do it parallely.
I know lah..we women can multi task. but this is taking it to the next level ...
p.s. hafiz, and dont' tell me i'm a Drawer. I want to be a Dresser. :p
Busy huh? Hope everything goes well for u darling..
Nice drawing!
* You pun dah jadi se-creative & se-kaki like pink dgn bro JenGGo .. Syabas!
ermmm... kak... i tink u... ermm... a dresser yg ada DRAWER!!!! bluek!! Multi-Task---> Multi Talented!!! MARHA MARHA!!!
multi tasker, extraordinaire, we women are.
* multi tasker extraordinaire (no comma intended) :)
ah ah.. busy giler.. (abis buat apa ni eh? jawab comments?)
masyaAllah. like you mah..
Girl Power!! =D
waa...blh tgk notes & laptop at the same time. tak kero ke mata? LOL!
bole kero ah gitu.. tapi tak nak draw gitu ah.. nanti tak cantik ;)
very cute drawing...
and was indeed multi-tasking eh.... till sempat reply comment hehehehe ~wink~
=D and still trying to increase the tasks in multi tasking ;)
hello dear :)
hi che'fara!
:-) more on women can do multi-tasking please
women-multitasking... selamat hari wanita!
insyaAllah.. if there are new feats on multi tasking, that's worthy to 'brag' about..
mana tahu boleh masuk guiness record.. =D
hari ni.. hari wanita? :) yeah!
ok.. so what will we get today..
btw, selamat hari wanita to you too!
err.. if you're a woman la.. masa2 kini names can be misleading ;)
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