Yesterday...or was it this morning?
no wait.. THIS, is this morning..
So. YESTERDAY, I was revising for the tests, and I asked Hadi to revise his school work too. Their CA test starts Monday.
I went thru his English Text book quickly, and came across a weird picture. I was thinking that it's odd. How come the old man has a ribbon on his hair... and wait.. wearing a skirt?!
After a few secs, I realised, he did it.
(disclaimer : excuse me, I was studying the night before also and continued in the morning.. my mind was a bit tired. but ok lah tu.. few secs..not that slow).

Cute sey, rayban short-haired girl/man tu.
BUT, more importantly.. budak hadi ni.. has he, or has he not, been paying attention in class?
Just now kan..during the Arab paper, we were given a question, where we had to indicate what type of a syair, it is. Since our Arabic is at the level where, we only remember phrases like.. 'i'm going to the toilet', we depend on some standard words in the sentence, to help us identify the type.
However, in the last question, that standard word, was a twist. Although it's there.. it's not there for the same reason (if a person understands meaning). And I recognised that syair! And I was feeling proud ah sikit. Smiled, as I wrote the answer down, in arabic. Wondering how many of them recognised that last syair.
Later in the evening, we discussed the paper. And I proudly brought up the issue of that question.. telling them, that standard word was a trick,
"actually the 'fi' is part of the musyabbah bih! there's no wajhu syabbah after that word! So the type is 'mursal mujmal'" I told them confidently.
"Really? eh??.... it's mursal mufassal..."
"huh? no, mursal mujmal - no wajhu syabbah."
"dear, no wajhu syabbah is mursal mufassal"
"WHAT?!?!! REALLY??? NO!!!!! then the other question pun salah!"
In that instance, i felt so silly/stupid/geram..... humbled.
Still GERAM... and humbled.
:(Lesson learnt - Jangan aksen
sangat pun..Ingatan and knowledge is pemberian Allah SWT.
Moving on...
Fog on your camera, can produce.. quite a nice effect.

And these are pics.. i've been meaning to post.. but the past week was hectic.