But that may help me learn to lower my gaze - Alhamdulillah.
But that's not the topic of discussion here..
Alhamdulillah, these 2 days, have been okay mostly. Eema and Nadh settled in well.
Have a peek..
*distracted* ..Subhanallah! what a GIANT tree!
Eema's buddy, Atiqah
no problemo, going alone
رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
"O my Lord! advance me in knowledge."
Alhamdulillah that your children are settling down well at school. So have mine. Let us pray together that Allah will bestow upon them His blessings in seeking knowledge. Amin.
selamat menyambut tahun 2007 kepada blossom sekeluarga.
eimma tu muka sebijik emaknya ek? hmm, sronok tgk gelagat bebudak ni masuk sekolah.. eid mubarak n slamat tahun baru
Alhamdulillah, am very much glad that Eema and Nadh are doing well in school!
May your children continue to strive and excel in everything they do insyaAllah .. Oh, I should say, May all our Muslim children excel in everything they do .. Aameen.
Bloss, I can't forget 'that' story you told me on the phone! Muahah!
Thank you. Ameeeen.
welcome back.. long holiday nampak? Ada terbawak balik diorang punya accent tak? =D
ke mana tumpahnya lauk, kalau tak ke nasi? ceeeeh.. betul tak eh penggunaannya dalam context ni? In fact.. betul ke tak tu, wordings to the peribahasa??
anyway..yes.. best tengok budak2 masuk sekolah.. macam nak sekolah balik.
Pasal story kat phone tu eh.. sungguh memaisehkan. So the moral of that story is.. confirm who u're sending the sms to, before clicking on 'Send' - jgn laju sangat. ;)
first day in school? i can still remember mine. :-P
pimple at the tip of ur nose? urrgghh, i so hate that too.
anyway, hope it's not too late to wish u happy new year!
it's not too late - alhamdulillah, i've been generally happy this year =D
u have a good year too, insyaallah, ameen.
i'm wondering how *I* will cope if my kids go fulltime medrasah. i really respect parents who send theirs there coz i know i tak confident langsung.
haah betul la tu peribahasa melayu yang digunakan..
blossom darling ... actually yang sebenar-benarnya it is - kemana tumpahnya KUAH kalau tak ke nasi. ;)
tapi kan i would usually answer, kuah leh tumpah kat lantai jugak per. kat baju ke, seluar ke, mee ke, roti kirai ke dan lain2 yang sewaktu dengan nyer. *heh*
hmm..actually I don't think I pun can guide my daughter fully. Especially kalau part arabic. So for arabic tu I get her a tutor. Anyway, now kan.. the other ukhrawi subjects like hadith, Quran Fiqh etc.. they are in english..until they reach secondary school.. so insyaallah, hopefully it'll be fine.
I saw kan, the school punya high achievers, I feel so proud of them. Hopefully Eema can do the same, ameen. :)
;) i think I should use more malay.. oops.. Ya, saya rasa memang patut juga gunakan bahasa dan peribahasa melayu, untuk menghidupkannya..
terimakasih atas pembetulan itu.. and you're right.. actually peribahasa tu.. tak foolproof. =D
salam sis
I also join in your doa - May all our Muslim children excel in everything that they do. Ameen. Ameen.
YOur 3rd one in P1 Irsyad. My 2nd one in P1 Aljunied. Boleh exchange notes lah...hehe.
oh! ur's in aljunied? i have a few teacher friends there..
in aljunied, ukhrawi lessons are in arabic is it?
sure.. tukar2 notes, insyaallah :)
Looks like my comment the other day didn't go thru... :( But just wanted to say thanx for coming by [plus a few other words, but cannot remember].
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