1) I read in the papers last few days, that da monkey plans to send an 'envoy' to the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Conference). They want to "share with them (OIC) America’s views and values" AARRRRGGHHHHH! What is soooooooooo GREAT about their views and values? seriously. Greed? Booze? Porn? Haven't we have enough of that already?!!?!?!
Well, i personally think, they just want to know what's going on inside. The most frustrating part is, they were accepted by the OIC. Allah help us.
2) then in another article i terbaca pasal perempuan yang dalam pirates of the caribbean tu.. keira knightley. She gets too many calls sometimes, dia bingit. so once, she threw her blackberry into the sea - because she just don't want to get all those calls anymore.
I think she should have just turned it off. Takut she pollute the sea pulak, dengan foreign objects like that.
3) Semalam on the road, a bus quite abruptly came into the path of the car in front of me, WITHOUT SIGNALLING. I was pissed. And then, the bus behind that bus, pun buat the same thing, in front of me! I'm not the kind who always raise my
But, i was calmed later, when again the same bus, needed to get into my lane, and he signalled this time :). So i gave way. Kan bagus camtu.
Then i thought about it.. sometimes, when vehicles give signals on changing lane, some people, instead of giving way, they speed up so that the signalling vehicle cannot get in front of them. Maybe they didn't learn that signal means, 'excuse me, be alert, i'm trying to change lane'. It does NOT mean 'I'm going to overtake you, so I'll win. muahahaha!'
But verily,
However most of these frustrations are negated
by thoughts of serenity
and beautiful tiny stuff
that we fail to see on most days.
tiny flowers and plants at my office parking lot
tks for the reminder fiz,
أَلاَ بِذِكْرِ اللّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ
“… Only in the remembrance of Allah can the heart find peace.”
Qur’an, Ar-Ra'ad 13:28
Even though I don't drive. I so agree with you on the signalling part. Jadik pedestrian pun nak kena aware and alert of vehicles on the road kan....kereta tu nak belok ke, nak tukar lane ke, nak stop ke.
ah ah.. betul betul. i also give signals to pedestrians.
basically the signal tu.. is a form of communication la kan.. tak kira, tu other vehicles or to pedestrians.. because the driver cannot wind down the window and shout 'aku nak belok ni!' =D
dropping by some love.hehe.
u have a good week ahead k?
1 - huh!
2 & 3 - hahaha!
Instead of throwing her blackberry into the sea, throw it to me, kan lagi bagus :) I hate phone calls too... I'm not a phone person, so I can relate to her. Kengkadang got friends call for no reason, lahhh malas nak berbual... same story je. But for her case, mesti agent call dia je lah...
I hate driving here. Most drivers are inconsiderate, never signal, will speed, never give way, etc. In Europe and America, most drivers will look out... if you're crossing the road, they'll see u from 100m away and will slow down and let u cross, and senyum2, can say "hi how r u" lagi. Kat sini, they'll just speed and hope the pedestrian gets hit, macam playing the game Grand Theft Auto gitu. It's all about ego and bad manners brought from home... Apa nak buat... That's right, signalling macam kita mintak izin lalu... the road traffic way :)
“… Only in the remembrance of Allah can the heart find peace.” (Qur’an, 13:28)
hii. tks for the love delivery. :) u have a good week too!
tanya pak lah.. asal dia terima.. =D
blackberry kasi u pun ok ke.. nanti makin busy pulak.
tks for the reminder bro. :) shall add that.
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