Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

not giving our best

sometimes, to give the best we can, we MAY have to do a bit more.

an IT personnel's job is to provide an IT solution, to the users, in order that they can best perform their duties - be it in order to save time, or perform a task more accurately. Basically isn't it the job of every person - to make life better for somebody else? It all breaks down to that.

if you know it, but you don't share it, because 'this is their problem' then, i guess we are restraining ourselves from giving our best. it's frustrating to know that some people have to do work the long and difficult way, just because another person is unwlling to share the solution.

Islam - the way of life - surely do not condone this. Although I don't deny that some ignorant or arrogant Muslims may still be in that position. And Allah SWT has warned us :

WOE UNTO THOSE who give short measure:
those who, when they are to receive their due from [other] people, demand that it be given in full ;
but when they have to measure or weigh whatever they owe to others, give less than what is due!
Do they not know that they are bound to be raised from the dead;
[and called to account] on an awesome Day.
the Day when all men shall stand before the Sustainer of all the worlds?

Al Quran, Mutaffifin 83:1-6

May Allah SWT guide is in our daily responsibilities. Ameen.


Marliza Radzi said...


Yara said...

Totally agree with you Erni. Sometimes I wonder why some people can be so stingy with their knowledge or skills.

mag.nolia said...

True true, but so far I haven't encountered stingy IT personnels, alhamdulillah. And then there are some employees who, tak habis2, rosak aje PC dia... ada aje problem. Lain orang takde problem. Dia aje yang banyak problem. Naik boring and naik malas nak solve dia nye problems. *hehee* but then that's a totally different story.

Anonymous said...

sometimes, to give the best we can, we MAY have to do a bit more

so true!

Pak Tuo said...

Salam Blossom & family,

lama tak menjenguk.Apa kabar.Sorry sikit buzy as a bee.

Keep well.Happy Wek ends.


madame blossom said...

u pun have a very important job eh :D

tu lah.. but we try not to be like them.

oh problem gitu pun ada. like..

'i got problem ah.. how come cannot connect to the application. click click click cannot. yesterday can, today cannot.'

' is your network cable connected to your machine?'


yes. like making ur beautiful cuppacakes. :)

salam Pak tuo,
long time no hear. semoga pak tuo pun baik2 aje with family. :)