Ok, i've got a name for the car! err.. but, what a time to announce sey.
Tadi pagi, as usual, I was in a hurry to get to work. So I got into the car, and cuma sempat baca doa keluar rumah (one that most of the time, I remember to read only when i reach the car). Belum sempat lah baca doa naik kenderaan.
As Blossmobile was going down the multi-story carpark, a minibus which was coming up, hit Blossmobile at the right rear door. At the point when I was hit, I felt like I was in a bumper-car. But of course, it's not a bumper car it's MY CAR! :((
Because I was in a hurry AND I forgot to read the doa AND I also didn't really check to see if there were any vehicle coming up on my right - i felt guilty.
The driver of the minibus was an old Chinese man. I looked at his damage.. dia punya left signal light broke and his number plate came off. And water was leaking.
I asked how much. he said maybe about $100. Then i said, nebermind.. u go and access first. So he asked.. want to make a report or just settle here? I told him I'll call him later. So I gave him my number, and took his. I thought I was calm. Rupanya I think I felt a little bit panic (bukan picnic.. paaanic) - because I felt my hand shiver a bit, when I was writing down the numbers.
Luckily I did not pay him on the spot, because, I felt guilty for my own reasons, I didn't use much of my judgement.
Anyway, since I could still close the door and drive to work, I did. I stopped downstairs for a while to call hubby. He asked, 'You hit him?' I said, 'No, he hit me on the rear door'. Then hubby said, ' then dia lah yang salah." Hmm.. ya tak ya eh.. I mean, I didn't see the minibus lah tadi, I only knew when I was hit. But, if I was hit on the REAR door, that means, I da turun ramp tu la kan, then I got hit. Which means, he was the one who didn't see me IN FRONT OF HIM.
*sigh* And hubby also suggested, we make a report and insurance claim. Sent hubby the pics.

He replied:
Bad news : Damage is quite bad, at least 4 days to 1 week in workshop. Should be between $500 to $1000.
Good news : You may have a case. He knocked into your rear, means he should have been aware you are there and should have stopped.And hubby da tell me what to do, and tell me to go through all this procedure myself - be independent. Sure, darling.
When I smsed close contacts that blossmobile got hit, one of them said to the other, "wah, then penyek lah eh handphone dia?" Woit. blossmobile as in 'batmobile' lah! I can't imagine how my hp can get 'hit' by a minibus sey. =D
My office colleagues pulak, asked me how it happened. Da cerita gitu gini, finally one of my chinese colleague asked, 'So what's your car plate number?"
Wei!! Want to buy 4D ah?
Anyway, took half day leave, to go make an insurance claim report. The ever-available teddie and SB (thank you darlings), accompanied me to the insurance office and the workshop for an assessment. The plan was to do a claim against my own policy, then do a recovery against the other person.
But as I was finally driving home (yes, i still have blossmobile yg kemek ni with me), i felt somekind of guilt still. I think I am not at peace with myself, claiming against the other person. I did play a part in causing that accident, turun kelam kabut camtu. Doesn't matter what other people say, that he's wrong to hit my rear door, but the truth is, I was also in the wrong. And may this be a lesson to me. I think I'll feel better just claiming against my own insurance. yeah.
You know, macam ada satu hadith tu..
According to Wabisah bin Ma'bad (r.a.) who said, " I came to the Messenger of Allah SAW, who said, 'You have come to ask about righteousness?' 'Yes, ' I answered. He said, 'Ask your own heart for a fatwa. Righteouness is when the soul feels peace and the heart feels peace, and sin is what creates restlessness in the soul, and rumbles in the bosom, even though people give their opinion (in your favour) and continue to do so.'
~ narrated according to the two Musnads, that of Ahmad bin Hanbal and that of al-Darimi, with excellent isnads.
- from Imam Nawawi's Collection of 40 Hadith.Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.
BUT, Alhamdulillah too, it's not worse than this, and I'm fine, in case anyone of you is concerned about ME. My injury is only my heartache. :|
Well, may we all have a better day today. :)