Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Monday, September 11, 2006

Bad Mondays

Tahap ke-blue-an menyerlah betul on Mondays, especially today. I feel sleepy - biasalah tu, but today is the worse - it's like the whole day. (Perhaps because hari ni 1st day fasting qadha' after quite a while). Sampai my boss pun cakap.. you look very tired today. 'Yeesssss I am'.

Something must be done to make my Mondays not so blue. I don't feel productive at all when I'm blue.

Mondays are not for real hard work. I need to put up my list of 'not-to-dos' on Mondays :

1. don't plan work that requires me to use my brain at above 50% capacity.
2. don't plan for work that requires me to do a lot of reading of materials that's full of repetition or jargons or whole paragraphs that does not have any point in it, except for the fullstops.
3. don't plan for work that requires me to talk to people in the morning, especially the first half of the morning - i really have no mood to yak on monday mornings.

Let's see......kalau dah strike off all tasks falling under the above categories...... that leaves me with................ nothing much to do on Mondays! Alright!.. that would make me feel a bit better on Mondays.

I hope.


Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Salam Sis

I bloghopped from Yours Truly. Hope you don't mind, if I link you. :)

madame blossom said...

Salam sis.

Of course I don't mind. Just as long as you don't list me under 'lousy blogs' ;p