Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Sunday, October 22, 2006

ketupat and bunga api

This Ramadhan has been special. Some things that I've done for the 1st time in my life like iktikaf-ing in the mosque overnight with my girls. We love it.

I'll miss Ramadhan for most of the ibadah we do together, including the terawih and the iktikaf, the prayers, the Quran recitals, and the doas. And i hope we become a better person than we were, before Ramadhan. And I pray the same for you too.

In case tak berkesempatan, I'd like to say here, Eid Mubarak. Sorry exterior in interior. If have accidental rough language, accidental wrong say, accidental eat, drink, hope it's halal-ed.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.

How to anyam a ketupat.

HOKAY! I've wasted my time long enough. Need to get back to work.


Pak Tuo said...

Blossom Dear,

How I wish someone invented these gadgets.
1.Machine untuk Anyam Ketupat.
2.Machine untuk tebar roti Canai
instead of kenabuat secara mannual.

Anyway have fun during Hari Raya.

Anonymous said...

Blossom dear,

the Bunga Api looks cool & fun seh!
next year, kita-kita punya turn uh.. nak!?

is that u anyam-ing the ketupat??
terror seh.. tak sia-sia tolong mil - dapat satu lagi ilmu eh..
I pun nak blajar anyam lahh ..

p.s: Mil suruh u tolong anyam, u blog ur entries pulak eh.. pi sana buat kerja ...
