Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

news, grouse and a good ending

I find myself feeling reluctant to allow my daughter to read The New Paper, or any newspapers for that matter. News these days are just mostly bad, lies, or useless, for them.

To improve her English, she can always read books. Non-fiction would be better. Something that can actually inspire them to do something good for others and for themselves.


Singapore, and the world, it's humanity, graciousness, honesty, morality, sincerity, going downward spiral.


I want to live in a small self sufficient village. (with broadband).

Oh yes, in the last post I said I watched akiro kurosawa's Dreams - most of the scenes are of nature, barren land, a small quiet village - it was... how shall I describe it... quiet? The film also provokes thoughts, and I was able to ponder about it, absorb the idea and the message because the scenes were slow paced and... yes quiet.

Right after that film, they showed a trailer of some Western film - a woman talking loudly, then, a scene in a club with music, drinking, crowd, noise.. MasyaAllah.. what a total difference! I felt so irked by it, I turned off the TV immediately.

But a lot of us have gotten used to this fast paced, noisy, crowded, lives and images, with little physical, sound, and mental space to really observe and think, quietly.

Speaking of which, alhamdulillah, alhamduilillah! this morning, I managed to spend a quiet morning, alone. Swam in the pool, alone, stayed a while and enjoyed the peace and quiet of a weekday, when the others are at work or in school. Staying still, just looking at the sky, the trees, the birds. Feeling the wind, the warmth of the sunshine taking turns with the cooler shade of the clouds as they pass.
Subhanallah - Nature.

1 comment:

Al-Manar said...

You are lucky to have time to dream. When I was young I had many dreams, many thoughts, many desires. At the end of the day I look in dismay why so many do not even have time to dream. Is dream, therefore, a privilege? No, I do not think so. I have stopped thinking of flying the sky, swimming the deep. I go back to where I belong, my Pearl S Buck's good earth, where I will be, so will all others be.