Of course, that cost will go into the price that people pay, for purchasing that thing, including the costs of fat bonuses for their CEOs, meaningless or trivial but expensive overseas travels and stays by their executives, eksetera eksetera eksetera. That would also explain why some lesser known hardwares or softwares which may even perform at par or better - are much cheaper.
It doesn't matter that you have just bought an expensive server from them just 3 months ago, you still get these pamphlets telling you about their 'latest' servers. Companies are always finding ways to make more AND even more money - by constantly telling you, you need to change this and that - or that you cannot live without their useless items. This is simply GREED - they can call it 'growth' all they want.
And then, there is this issue at work - which has been pending like over a YEAR. And the company I'm dealing with.. is taking way too much time to respond. And it seems to me, that they are not able to provide to us, what we have requested for. Now, after many reminder emails, they are suggesting a teleconference to 'discuss' this issue. I have grown quite impatient with mindless meetings. What EXACTLY is the agenda of this meeting? Have they even decided if they can provide what we asked for? If they can't even provide what we ask for, which is the main requirement, then what is the point of this meeting? Arrgh!!
I replied like that to them.
Minus the 'arrgh!!'.
Perhaps this impatience is also triggered by a couple of events last few days.
I am feeling impatient with the ways of the world. I am feeling impatient with the ways of people who have total disregard for other's feelings. This 'feelings' part has nothing to do with that pamphlet or the email. It's some other separate events.
What to do?
Pray to Allah, to grant me, more patience.
This IS the ways of the world - it's not like we've never been told.
And.. astaghfirullah. I know I'm not perfect either.
BUT.. A.L.I.F!
AND Rus will be back tomorrow. My life can hopefully get back to normal routines. Although I do intend to have more hands on, in the kitchen from now on. No.. from after Hari Raya. These days.. I don't have much time to take care of the kitchen or do housework. I've been working, coming home only to go out visiting or to entertain our guests, except for yesterday - which is another story.
p.s. (this is one way to stop abruptly.. when you suddenly have nothing else to say).
Mintak I,untuk.sourvenior dari S'pura.
sis, may Allah grant all of us the patience we need. Ameen.
And as the conversation we had yesterday when I was at Sentosa, hmmph .. be cool, have a decision which is best for all.
coolness betul pamphlet itu.
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