Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

moving to an island

This morning I had quite a nice dream. It involves us, moving into a house supposedly near 'nature'. Then, it seemed to me like we moved onto an island, because to the right of my house, I noticed people arriving by boat (the kind like on the river big drain at raffles place ) and I somehow knew that they came from the mainland.

I was also very happy to note that the convenience store (macam old kampung style one) was just 10 steps away from my back door.

On that small island, there were buses to bring people around. But the buses were soooooo old, it's rusty and some part of the bus roof were missing and it wobbled like it can break apart at any moment. Then, my father was telling me, "the bus can still move and before it really breaks down, some rich people will buy a new bus to replace it.

There were two very old cinemas on that island, but they are far apart, you'd have to take the wobbly bus to go to the other one.

And then, I turned around to look at another wobbling bus driven by an old chinese man. I took out my camera and wanted to shoot some pictures of the old man and the bus. I told him to hold his pose. He came very near. Then he started doing gymnastics!

Then I heard Rus knocking and calling, "Kak, kak! Tak pergi kerja, kak?"

These few days, I only have my dreams to tell about, because nothing VERY exciting is happening in my real life, except that I went to town last weekend (pictures later, when the mood comes). Spent quite a lot on books and scrapbooking materials. And I started playing Sudoku, Scrabulous and Smartermind on Facebook. exciting kan? Yea, i know.

Oh, and editing a wedding video that took place more than a year ago. And I'm looking for the am-pe-3 for lagu siti - 'kau ku sayang' for this video. So if anyone has it, or knows of anyone else who does - PLEASE contact me. I NEED it.
Thank you so much in advance.


Yara said...

Erni, you are already living on an island. If you stay by the coast, then I am sure you will actually see people in boats in real life. No need to have dreams about it =)

Marliza Radzi said...

I like that song. and I think I must have it sebab I ada semua album Siti. ngeee.

madame blossom said...


=D i forgot, we live on an island.
But anyhow, I was thinking of a smaller island.. like sibu island ke..

OK! now i know who to look for if I need Siti's songs. =D