actually, there's too many stories from different perspective to tell, about having a baby.. X 4 some more.. macam berjela2.. boleh buat buku..
So, i'm going to concentrate on the C-section thingy - general or regional anaesthesia.
kalau nak dengar about other things like nursing and preparation and what not.. nanti tell me ok. here we go..

i still think in terms of room, food, service - KKH is the best - based on my last experience about 5 yrs ago.
ok.. so the 1st one tu.. macam anxious kan.. some people say, the baby may come a few days or up to a week before the 'EDD' (expected due date).
But Hadi, decided (Allah SWT da tentukan) that he wants to come out on the due date itself. So at about 2-3 am that morning, i felt a 'pop in my tummy. The water bag burst. I told hubby, and i told him i'm still fine.. so we shud just wait first.
About 5am, i timed the contractions.. macam 5 mins apart, so i told him.. maybe we shud start to go.. but I REALLY felt like having prata, so could we stop by Adam Road for prata before heading to the hospital? He agreed. So with contractions still going on.. i had my prata.
Kat hospital, i was wheeled in.. and after 2-3 hours more i cannot bear the contraction pain.. i asked for epidural. The pain was gone like magic.
After that I was sent to a big comfortable room.. since I didn't feel the contractions nor the pain, I was happy watching TV siang2 hari.. but my cervics was still like 2-3 cm. SAMPAI malam! like 11pm.. at last the doctor said.. it's too long, and i'm getting dry inside.. let's do a caesarian sect.
I cried.. i wanted a normal birth (well, not so normal with the epidural) but.. anyway.. no choice.. baby's safety more important.
I was wheeled into the operating room and they put me on GA (general anaesthetic) and I went to sleep. I woke up a bit when i was wheeled out, and remember seeing my mother in law.
About 3am in the morning, they woke me up to see my baby. it felt funny - especially when u don't see him coming out from you.. it's like they just brought some baby over and say.. this is your baby. .. BUT.. he was the cutest baby, to me. and so ok.
It took me about 3 days i think, before i could walk about.

So, they were monitoring the baby.. then they told me, the baby's heartbeat is irregular. they felt that it would be better to have the baby out asap, so that they can monitor it directly, in case of anything.. So, another emergency C-section for me.
Another disappointment on not having normal birth, and another GA. I was asleep.
This time, about 2-3 days jugak ah.. before i sit up and walked.

This one also.. i took GA - although i've heard of regional anaesthesia, where you get numbed from the waist down. But no thank you. Takut.
The delivery for eema was more like, everything according to plan. No surprises. I'm contented.
I still took about 2-3 days to recover, i mean before i walked about in bearable pain.

So this time, a lady doc on duty, she came by my bed and asked me how I was. Then she asked if I want general or regional anaesthesia. 'GA of course' i said.
'Why don't u want to try regional? she asked. So i told her la.... ermm..i'm afraid. She assured me it was OK. I won't feel any pain at all.
She STRONGLY encouraged me to go for regional. In terms of safety, she felt it will be better for me, cause i was coughing and having phlegm. And she also said, it's much better than GA, i'd be able to see the baby, and I'll recover faster. Because under GA.. the 1st day alone.. is recovering from the GA itself..
I was still scared, so i asked.. what if i insist on GA - she said, then i may have to wait 2-3 days more, until i recover, so as not to take the risk of chocking on my phlegm.
Ok, NO WAY am I going to sleep with more than 10kg of tummy for one more day! I'm tired! I've been counting the days to delivery since the last 90 days or so.. I'm not going to wait another 3-4 days! So ok lah.. go with the regional anaesthesia. Tawakkal.
On the operating table, they asked me to curl up into a foetal position, then they injected something into my spine i think.. it hurts, but not A LOT.. terperanjat and takut aje.. i think.. after that.. slowly.. i began to lose feeling from my waist down.. it felt funny.
The doctor poked to check.. i didn't feel anything.
So he said.. we'll start now. There were 2 doctors.. so they were chatting with each other, as they started to operate - macam kita berbual kat kedai kopi.
After a short while of waiting.. i asked,' So, when are u going to cut?' they he said,' Oh.. we cut already.. now we're taking the baby out.
WHAT? waah....
they did a bikini cut. so.. after that, they pressed on my tummy to 'push' the baby down and out. Then, they brought the baby close to me..
MasyaAllah.. a different kind of feeling.'
Pastu the nurses took nadhrah to be cleaned, and the doctors started to stitch me up. The giving birth part was only about 10 mins.. but the stitching back up was about 20.. because they had to stitch, i think, 3 layers? when he pulled to tighten the stitch IN my tummy.. i felt a tug - not painful at all, just felt a tug. after they finished stitching me up.. i was wheeled to a recovery room, and then 1-2 hour later back to my room.
I was afraid that when the anaesthesia begin to wear off, that i might feel intense pain macam nak pengsan.. but no lah.. ok ok jugak. In fact the next day, i tried my best to sit up already and started to walk about on my 2nd day. it's true. i recovered faster. And i prefer this experience better than the GA.
Pain? sure la. Since i never had any natural birth, i cannot imagine the pain THERE.
Bearing a baby for 9 months, the last 3 months being most trying, because of the weight on ur tummy, you cannot sleep!
Imagine carrying 2 sacks of 5 kg rice on ur tummy for 3 months.
It's what all mothers go thru kan? Cannot back out last minute right?
Sebab tu.. sayangilah mak korang.
Ok la.. itu aje cerita Birth untuk kali ini.