Armed with new determination, new shoes and new socks, I face this week.
I'm trying to figure out how i feel, what my mood is. I'm not particularly sad, nor am I happy. I guess I am in a tafakkur state - thinking.
There are a few important & serious stuff happening around me, to people close to me. I have to thank Allah SWT for being in the state that I am in. Others are facing greater challenges. I hope I can be of some solace to them. I hope I am able to comfort them, to give them the right advice. At the same time wondering, if I am the right person to give advice. But then, nobody is perfect right? We do and give the best we can.
Then there are a few other good family/friends, I have not been able to catch up with. I wish I can give them some of my time. But I'm torn between family, studies, work, extended family and friends.
But I guess, I can work more on setting priorities and dividing time, AND having some DISCIPLINE. Allah help me.
And reading Sahalfikiri's entry of 25th Nov, pun makes me determined to be a good mother to my children.
I pray that I will be able to be the friend, they can confide in. But now they are still young, so more of a mother than friend. :)
And then, myself. Yes, myself. What have I been doing? Have I been doing anything to upgrade myself? make me a better person? Was my day better the the days before? Why do I do the things I do? I need to ponder on the question put forth by Allah SWT:
"Whither(to what place), then, will you go?"
Al Quran, At-Takwir 81:26
We seek assistance and guidance from Allah SWT.
And my prayer for all of us:
patience, strength in facing the challenges, and our iman to be strong.
I do love u all, LILLAH.