Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Friday, August 22, 2008

Cleanliness/Courtesy starts with me

You know how we sometimes think that it seems impossible how we, as a single person, can have an effect on the place/country/people?, To make a difference in doing something right?

I believe a person's action/behaviours is quite contagious - as long as it creates an impression on another person. That action/behaviour may be a good or bad one. Both works the same way.

You've heard of 'monkey see, monkey do'? It applies to human too, in general. People see, people do. A very obvious example is the youngsters imitating the famous/notorious ones.

Another example, would be on the roads. When one driver cuts queue in a filtering lane, you are bound to see some other drivers following them, ignoring everything about road ethics ("ha? what road ethics?" they say..).

Or when a car is signalling to come onto the driver's lane, most infantile drivers speed up, so that the signalling car cannot go before them ("Yeay! I get to go first!" they say, in their head). Imagine, always getting that when you're driving - most people would end up doing the same thing. And so, it becomes a norm.

Now imagine, one day, you're signalling, and suddenly, a nice driver actually keeps his speed, or slows down a bit, to let you get into the lane. You'd feel appreciative. And when another car signals to come into your lane, you would feel inclined to let that car come in, just like how the other car let you. And so the driver of the other car, feels the same way as you did, and he'd give way to other signalling cars too.. and so on and so forth. And that is how it can get contagious.

Granted, this may not have impact on everyone - because some people are truly bad trend setters. But I believe it does have impact on most, because most people are neutral, they usually go with the flow.

Imagine also, seeing another person, walking a distance just to throw a small rubbish he was holding in his hand, into a rubbish bin. I'm sure you'd feel a tinge of guilt, if you had some rubbish you were going to throw on the ground. You'd be inclined to also throw it at the rubbish bin, if not there, elsewhere. Unless, of course - you're one of those stubborn ones also.

So you see, the good thing that we do, CAN have an impact on others in subtle but sure ways.

I truly believe in the phrase "Cleanliness or Courtesy starts with ME".
So insyaAllah, I strive to do the right thing and hope to make a difference. InsyaAllah.

"Let there arise out of you a band of people, inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity. "

Al Quran, Ali Imran 3:104

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