Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Saturday, February 24, 2007

the seven principles

the founder was a very very nice man, who cares a lot for his society and his people.

He came up with the following seven principles:

1. Contribution to society
2. Fairness and Honesty
3. Cooperation and Team Spirit
4. Untiring Effort for Improvement
5. Courtesy and Humility
6. Adaptability
7. Gratitude

Sadly now these principles only remain in the books or on framed glasses, but not truly practised.

These days, people separate human relations with business. 'Work is work', they say. Or 'we pay them already mah? Tired so what?' - no empathy langsung!

I believe, for a principle or policy to be successfully implemented in a company, the HEAD must practise them himself. Then he must actively promote the same to the rest of the employees. If the head doesn't care, then that's the end of story for those principles.

Same thing for other stuff, like they send me for courses on how to improve this and that.. how to implement a good system to accomplish this and that.. but hey.. seriously.. do i have the power to do so?? Surely, the top must be the one to support these efforts.. baru boleh jalan. Lama2.. company cuma buang2 duit aje, hantar orang gi course, but that person, cannot do much to make that change for the better.

Hmmphh.. if when I have my own company/business, insyaAllah, I want to apply those seven principles too, or something along that line, insyaAllah. And all of the above finally goes back, lillah - for Allah SWT. And gratitude is to Allah SWT and the people around you.

You all doa2 lah, that I can have my own shop/business, in the near future. Ameen.

~melancholic blossom~



| nur hafizah | said...

InsyaAllah & Aameen for your future company and business ..

Think positive!


spidey said...

insya Allah, amin.
& reserve 1 position for me. yg best2 nyerlah eh. ;)

madame blossom said...


think +ve.. ok.

hmm.. but kalau think aje.. lama2, walaupun +ve.. macam tak boleh jalan. :(

insyaAllah.. apa position yg best eh? selain dari boss? hmmm...

Azer Mantessa said...

"I believe, for a principle or policy to be successfully implemented in a company, the HEAD must practise them himself."

i agree.

"that person, cannot do much to make that change for the better."

an individual foundation is key.

"You all doa2 lah, that I can have my own shop/business, in the near future. Ameen."

Ameen :-)

Freak and Geek said...

may i know what kind of bussiness do u plan to venture?

manelah tau boleh jadik partner ker? hehehe

Yara said...

Bloss, that is exactly what we always tell the trainers when we attend courses. Why teach us things without empowering us to make the necessary changes. We always insisted that the management should participate in such courses too. Problem is some of them do attend similar courses yet they choose not to implement changes sebab dah sedap in their comfort zones. Ultimately, the subordinates like us continue to suffer.

Insyaallah you will succeed in whatever enterprise you intend to venture into. Remember us down here when you reach your pinnacle ok.

madame blossom said...


I know, individual plays a part. I played my part.. in fact.. ada jugak lah improvements yang kecik2 yang boleh implement. But for the big impact ones.. i feel helpless.

I told u before.. remember?
books! i love books.

sure.. sure won't forget.. I need customers mah... =D

Anonymous said...

InsyaAllah, ameen... harap2 tercapai impian dan cita2. Dont forget me if you need kopi lady or copy lady. Sahut panggilan gomen, employ senior citizens. Tak rugi.... hehehe

madame blossom said...

cik alin,
ya ameen, ameen.
I could sure use u as copy/kopi/teh tarik lady!

You can also make me my everyday-is-my-bday-choccake. I like! =D

Anonymous said...

aamiiin :)