Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Sunday, November 16, 2008

on ideas and doodles

So, yesterday was our English exams, and we had to choose a topic to write on, betweeb 60-80 words.

Actually I hate writing. For many many years before I took this course, I have VERY SELDOM write. I've always typed. So now, that I have to write.. my handwriting is... like a student's scribblings on rough paper. I just have no patience to write one by one letter or word nicely. Especially during exams, I want to write as fast as I type.. hence the bad handwriting.

I listen to my young and single friends telling me about their experiences abroad, with envy. Some of them went abroad to study, while others go for an extended holiday.

If I could turn back time, I would have packed my bags and go on a study trip. Even if it's just for three months, just to pick up a language.

I believe the experience of being in another country, especially of those with different cultures, blending into their everyday life, is an invaluable lesson in itself.

Oh yes, I came across this youtube video on from another blogger, which I think is awesome! The doodles, animation and the interview with John Lennon.

p.s. Of course I don't agree that a person is square, if they dont' agree with drugs. ceh.

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