Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Sunday, December 03, 2006

the unwritten rules

the last weekend, started very late for me. Cause i was still in the office until 330am. Next day nya kan exams, tak sempat betul nak revise except for the last hour before the paper. InsyaAllah la, can pass with not-so-flying colours.

I attended 2 wedding receptions over the weekend. So as i sat thru them, i made mental notes, on the not-to-do's. and the 2 things that keep coming up is:

Loud music
I mean REALLY loud. apa hal eh.. kat wedding kena buka max volume? org nak berbual pun susah. kena pekik2. Paling tak best, kalau tengah cakap pekik2.. skali music pun stop, and you find yourself berbual kuat macam orang gila.

Enough la music IN THE BACKGROUND. loud enough for people to hear the song being played - no need to.. macam nak sumbatkan music tu kat lubang telinga kita. *mental oteMust tell that to the DJs.

Souvenir (berkat - ke bunga telur?..)
Anyway, the thing yg kita dapat bila gi jemputan tu la. I rasa kan, kalau nak decide on souvenir ni pun, biar lah yang berguna. i have been receiving a lot of small cheap vases/containers as souvenirs. Skali dua kali dapat, kalau yg cantik sangat, boleh la jugak buat piasan rumah. Tapi kalau da asik dapat aje.. da tak tahu mana lagi nak simpan sey, all these small ceramic wares.

I think cute sabun or scented candles or cake or chocolates are a better choice - boleh consume.

Itulah saja yang ingin saya sampaikan.

tadi ingat nak ceritakan jugak about my dreams. But it's just too weird to be put into words.

have a GREAT week ahead.

*unplugged entry - cause tengah stone jugak, baru maka ubat for running nose. signing off, before i fall asleep on the laptop.

By the way, my weekday start on Tuesday this week =D



Anonymous said...

kalau berkat, they call it wedding favours. souvenirs (cenderamata) dah macam tourists lak, eh. *hehehe*

madame blossom said...

oh ye ker? wedding favours. got it.

berkat = yg diorang kasi ALL guests right? not the packed food right?

- the packed food for close sedara mara is called apa pulak?

Anonymous said...


packed food for close sedara mara is called bungkusan ..


take care darling.

Anonymous said...

This week, I have read 2 blogs already complaining about loud music played at weddings. Actually I am surprised that no one called the police to come and advise the organisers to keep the decibels down. I remember when I was younger, there were at least a couple of occasions when the police came to a void deck wedding ceremony to do so.

I like that second photo. Posing nampak fierce seh. :)

Anonymous said...

wedding favours = bunga telur

my bad, sowwee ... ! *heh*

berkat nih payah sket coz budaya kita he yang ada buah tangan nih semua tuh pasal tak de engrish word? but leh improvise, insyaa allaah. erm ... tokens? tuh dah macam casino or game arcade lak, eh? how about
tokens of appreciation? *hehehe*

and i abt blaring music. my hubster is especially anal about it. dia selalu bilang, "let me know if i start to bleed from the nose and ears, i'll sue these people for social hazard." *hee*

popcornelvis said...

i so agree ..
kalau wedding favours dapat kan?


Azer Mantessa said...

loud music is meriah :-)

Freak and Geek said...

get well soon. hope u r feeling much better by now.

i prefer chocs. :-P

madame blossom said...

tks for the lesson in melayu! :p

I think diorang da lali agaknya?

I'm always confused between berkat and bunga telur. still don't know if it's the same thing.

Yes! cupcakes wud be nice! do you deliver to singapore? =D

Lagi meriah kalau use ur songs eh?
u know what between loud music and bad karaoke, i'd go for the loud music.

thanks darling. feeling much better today.