Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Monday, May 15, 2006

Nadhrah turns 4!! (today)

Yesterday, we celebrated Nadhrah's 4th birthday and Cik Yah's (Cik Yah is much older than 4). The few weeks before, Uda kept thinking it was going to be her 5th birthday!? His own daughter?! But then again, it's probably because she's very smart, she reasons like a big girl - it's hard to believe she was 3 - ANYWAY now she's 4.

She has been looking forward to her birthday party since the start of this year. She has even decided on the cake she wanted since many months ago, and was adamant on it. That is until the last minute, AFTER we ordered the cake. Then she wanted Mama's Strawberry Shortcake cake. (Mama is not me.. I wish it's me, but errr.. I don't bake cakes, in fact I generally don't bake.) And so we ended up with 2 birthday cakes.

Cik Alin a.k.a. 'Mama' to the children, is a jolly good baker..

breaks into a song : For she's a jolly good baker 3x, and so say all of us!.

She has been baking all the birthday cakes for the family's birthday celebrations. Oh, and mother's day too. It's good to have someone in the family who actually bakes. :)
Thanks Cik Alin - we love you!

As usual there were loads of fun and food, and the food bungkusing session at the end. But poor baby Rushda and Ummul Rushda, had to leave early, to fix her dislocated elbow. Yup, the baby dislocated her elbow, and NO, we we were not having any WWF-kind-of-games for the kids. At press time, Rushda's elbow has already been fixed, Alhamdulillah, and she can carry baby weights now.

Pictures tell a better story, so here are some pics on Nadhrah's birthday >>

And by the way, in case you're concerned, last Saturday's exam papers were not too bad. Although there was one known silly mistake I made...... Aarrrgghhh!!!. But ok, it's over and done with. Don't know if the colours will fly.. but they'll be there, InsyaAllah.

And...while writing about the dislocated elbow , I'm suddenly reminded of a conversation I had with my girlfriends about 'simpul biawak' (cramps).
Somebody ( I forgot who it was..) was telling us, she had simpul biawak, and couldn't walk properly (I think she said something to that effect..). We asked her which leg. She said that it's not on her leg, but on one of her toes. MasyaAllah, a simpul biawak on a toe.
Mai exclaimed," alahai, cute nyer! "
Memang cute, I never knew someone could get simpul biawak on a toe.

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