>Do you realise that..
>On Thursday 4th May next month, at two minutes and three seconds after
>1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be
>01:02:03 04.05.06>
>This will never happen again in our life time.
Got the above email. well... O K.. like wow! nice number.. but actually kan, if I put date first, which I should, since for the time, it starts with the hours, then minutes then seconds, it's only right the date should start with year, then month then day.. if that's the case, the real thing happened 5 years ago.. on 3rd Feb, 2001 at 4.05am + 6 secs. then, we would have gotten the desired number pattern, in the right sequence...
There are a lot of other stuff in our life time that will also never happen again.. like being 18 years old.. or 19 years old.. We're getting older.. and the time that passed, will never come back.. the time you wasted will NEVER come back. How do you know when u're wasting time and when u're not?
I remember I heard a sermon once kat Masjid Al Khair.. on the surah Al-Asr. It was by an ustaz invited from Malaysia and I don't remember the name! I must make it a point to record the names of ustaz, whose sermons I hear.. ceh!.. nama artiste2 boleh ingat.. nama ustaz.. nama sahabat2 Nabi, and ulama' tak ingat..teruk!..
Anyway, that aside and to be improved, back to the sermon... It was about this short surah with such deep meaning and impact.The transliteration reads:
By (the token of) Time. Verily man is in loss; Except those who believes, and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth and recommend one another to patience
I believe "Those who believe" - is KEY. When we believe, then we act. And with believe, most of every little act we do, can be considered as ibadah, especially when done for the sake of Allah SWT. E.g even eating and sleeping.. When we think, like 'I better sleep early or rest early, so that I can wake up for Subuh - which is ultimately for Allah".. then that act of sleeping.. becomes an ibadah.
Then, this is my further breakdown on the issue.. we could apply it to something not so direct.. but in the cause of Allah SWT.. e.g. Learning programming.. because I want to do up a program that will attract the children, whom we will then slowly shape and influence to be God-concious, and finally be a Good Muslim, for Allah SWT.. then that act of learning programming is an ibadah.. Doing business can become ibadah.. because you want to be rich, to support the Muslims in the Muslim needs..
Seems so easy to get rewarded, but instead, people waste their time away, by watching Singapore Idol (..as one example only lah..).. - I don't know.. maybe for some people it's finally for Allah's sake, Wallahu'alam.. Of course then you also have to consider the better of the 2 options etc.. Bukanlah tak leh tengok terus.. but kalau da macam religiously kena watch every week.. then it's not only that program.. in a week got many programs that people follow up religiously.. add that all up together..how much time is wasted?
When I think of it, I picture a room where men are sitting on piles of GOLD.. the one who's doing good,.. is like picking up the gold around him. While the one who's wasting time, is just sitting there on the pile of gold, staring blankly at a black box. Sad, isn't it?
Do you realise THAT?
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