Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Biology of Belief

I have just finished Bruce Lipton's 'The Biology of Belief'.  It's amazing.  The book starts of like a Biology text book in easy to understand terms - to explain factually and scientifically that is the foundation to understanding convincingly how beliefs can affect our life, that is our outlook in life, character, health and achievements.

There were some understanding of the professor, that was so in line with what is mentioned in the Quran and hadith.  One that comes to mind now,  you're not guilty of a wrongdoing, if you genuinely didn't know it was wrong.  

This book also tells us that prayers and meditation really do help calm a person which in turn is good for his mental and physical health.  Which leads me to think how God has always said in the Quran, what we believe and do (that God asks us to do) is only for our own good. :')    I am so very convinced, really beriman with the fact that whatever and every single act and details of what Allaah asks us to do, has some positive and beneficial effect on us - e.g. your exact postures and positions in prayers (which people don't pay much attention to).

I'm also happy to note that this scientist have argued against the dependency on pharmaceutical drugs that is quick to be on the shelves, without considering the overall effects on human.    After all these researches are also done by the imperfect human - their studies and findings are always limited to what they 'want' to find - and plagued with filters of information to the public - for whatever that is to their advantage.    The best medicine is your lifestyle, your beliefs, the environment and your food intake.   However the use of drugs are not totally ruled out - there are some real needs for drugs but most of them in emergency cases.  

The concept of placebo and nocebo effect is also explained and real cases provided.  The power of belief.

Reading some of the scientific findings and concepts in this and previous science books I've read always sparked some 'oooh' and 'aaah' moments.

Qada'and Qadar has been scientifically proven, the existence of a soul, and the different ways in which Rasulullaah SWT received the revelations made real sense now. Subhanallaah, if course God the Creator is so much more advanced in knowledge and means than the most advanced things that exists now. After all, all advanced technologies are also derived from nature.

I have wondered before if we can download and upload thoughts.  the book says that are already some scientific studies on downloading thoughts - since basically we are all masses of energy, and information in our brains are also energy being transmitted from one neuron to another.
I would love to download what I've learnt from my life and from books  - basically whatever understanding that Allaah has granted me, to my children and those who are interested.

Explaining them all may be overwhelming.  I may seem crazy, and it's too much info to tell in one seating.   This reminds me of the words of Jesus A.S. in the bible - "I have many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now." People really need to be ready to receive, then only they can receive.

When we are humble, we learn more.

May Allaah increase for us, our knowledge and understanding, of the deen which is life here and in the Hereafter. Aamiin.

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