Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Independence from the people

I'm currently reading a book "Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now" by Jaron Lanier.

It speaks of the ills of social media, such as us being manipulated by the social media's algorithms to tweak our feelings and convince or put us in such a situation where we are inclined to buy or react to something.

The other ill mentioned that was interesting to me is the unrealistic expectations about life when seeing others post fake photos of happiness or perfection or put out fake personas. How we are unknowingly affected by them and it affects us in our self-esteem and how we value our own lives. Sometimes we even know it's fake, but can't help feeling affected.

Coincidentally, I am currently pondering over a hadith* about life - and the last part of the hadith says '.. the pride of a believer is in his independence from the people." How apt.

INDEPENDENCE FROM THE PEOPLE - is to me, when you're not easily influenced or affected by your surrounding and the people around you, be it offline or online. You are self-assured, masyaaAllaah and your iman is strong (aamiin) - you can read and see them, but it does not have much impact on you. You're quick to realise and get back to reality which is to serve God and do good.  Be  yourself.

Then it all boils back down to how we live our life. If we live it sincerely for God, there can be all kinds of challenges in the world, and all kinds of influences but we will not be brought down by it. We may be challenged, but we can overcome them insyaaAllaah and we get back up and move on to our greater purpose.

In the remembrance of Allaah, do hearts find peace.

* the hadith
Sahl ibn Sa'd As-Saidiy said: Jibril came to the Prophet s.a.w. and he said : Jibril, upon him be peace, came to me and said, 'Oh Muhammad, live as you wish, for you shall eventually die.  Love whom you desire, for you shall eventually depart.  Do what you please, for your shall pay.   
Then Jibril said : Oh Muhammad, the honour of a believer is his night-prayer, and his pride is his independence from the people."
(Al Hakim )
I got this hadith from the book HD40 : LIFE, compiled by Ustaz Hidayat Radja Nurul Bahri.  He advised me that all the hadith mentioned in this book is sahih. 

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