maybe i'm just too busy thinking. just thinking.
Let's see some pics.

Ni masa lela sis in law, but nasi ayam penyet kat rumah dia..

ni erwin - founder of rubiks club kat office =D

n2f,red, blue, green

hey neighbour

oh yes, we live in a 'fine' city.
A soliloquy, mostly. May, be unplugged. (*unplugged* When used in an email, letter or writing of sorts, it means that it has not been edited. Any grammatical or spelling errors or words or sentences that doesn't make sense should be deciphered or ignored, whichever is easier to do.)
The pictures of family-rism makes me smile .. thanks for sharing (ok everyone now.. 1, 2, 3 ..) AWWWW!!!
hark hark hark... susah2 je nak kasik monyet makan... meh kasik maksu makan... nyam nyam (best tak jenjalan kat melaka?)
=D family is important.
So are the brothers and sisters in Islam.
You nak makan apa?
Melaka.. best amik gambar. Nanti nak beli camera canggih sikit.. nak amik gambar lagi.
cantikla sungai Melaka di waktu malam.. sy sendiri x pnah p sana, mlm tak, siang pun x.. apa da!
the 2nd and third picture, is that in melaka?
gila cantik.
like ive told u before, i always like ur pictures :)
sejuk hati makcik.
Salam Bloosom and Family,
Couldn't stop grinding at the photo on monkeys.
Well,you have monkeys still in S'pore?
How about Orang Utan?
ah-ah! you should go there to take pictures. naik boat tu.. I also want to go back there..with a better camera.. bila ada. :)
yup yup melaka. I like.
pak tuo,
alhamdulillah, we still hv monkeys in singapore - free ones.. yg berkeliaran near our tiny forests.
Orang Utan pun ada! tapi yang I know.. kat zoo aje.
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