Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ramadhan tremors

There were some last minute preparations done for Ramadhan. Like dah bertahun, i wanted to put up a chart, for the children, to mark the ibadahs they've done.
So finally yesterday i managed to do one and put up. They were excited - semalam lepas terawih aje.. semua da excited to stick on a sticker under their name.

I also wanted to make some resolutions for myself. but i think tak payah banyak2 plan.. or hmm.. maybe it's better to jot down personally - just to take note. But I shouldn't put too high expectations on myself too. Realistic goals. Something like last year.

But this year, what i can improve on.. is my relationship with my jirans. I'm the typical working malay woman yang tak campur orang sangat. Keluar kelam kabut (biasa lah.. asik lambat).. balik pun . kalau jumpa jiran.. i'm not in the mood to, u know.. talk long long.. just smile and go, or just ask the obvious question like 'baru balik?' (Ya LAH! tak kan da lama balik, abis diri kat lift lobby dari tengahari tadi kan??) InsyaAllah, ingat nak improve and be more approachable.

Oh so kan.. just now i was saying i did that chart right.. so semalam tu.. as i was drawing the lines on the chart to put the dates and their names, i thought i felt giddy.
I felt the room shook gently and rhythmically. I was resting my arms kat katil, as I sat on the floor - and i saw my arms also shook. I thought perhaps Eema was under the bed and shaking it.. but it couldn't be so constant.. I walked out. Walked back in.. still felt the same. I was already thinking.. perhaps I SHOULD go to the doctor pasal, dari petang leher pun ada rasa strained sikit. I rested a short while and continued.

Then Rus, came and asked me.. 'kak, tadi rasa goyang tak?' 'Yes!' 'Ada gempa mungkin, kak..'
A while later, we saw the news on RCTI (ke V). True, there was an earthquake kat Sumatra. Imagine the intensity, at the scale of 8.4 And the quake was on the coast of the other side of the land, further from Malaysia and Singapore. And yet, we felt the tremors.

This is the first time ever, i've felt some effects of an earthquake.
MasyaAllah.. how great the tremors were.
How fragile our lives are.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun.
Verily To Allah We belong, and to Him we will return.

Can't imagine what those people in Sumatra feel, and what they go through.
May Allah SWT give them strength and patience to go through it, and may we not experience them at all. Ameen.

What a start to Ramadhan.

Anyhow, May we face the month of Ramadhan with a whole lot of iman, ibadah, patience and sincerity.
May we be better Muslims. Ameen.


bluewonder said...

was at work this morning around 7.45am when I felt the tremors. Quickly left the staff room and made sure all students had evacuated the building. Was i scared? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. First thots my kids, husband and family. You're right on how fragile our lives are.

madame blossom said...


i rasa the tremors u felt must have been more then the one i felt.. sampai u all keluar dari staff room. :S

i think like that too sometimes.. macam if anything happens, i hope i will be with the family.. but nauzubillah. :)

Marliza Radzi said...
