Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

a piece of advice and some pictures

tadi kat kelas.. we read a bit from 'My Beloved Son' by Imam Ghazali. He said, (more or less translated as I understood it, like this...) to ask for or give advice is easy, but to receive/act upon the advice is difficult on the heart.

Reminds me of me. I wanted advice, received advice, but I was unable to act upon it. Everyone around me gave me advice. I KNEW what i was doing was wrong, tapi macam masih berat nak tinggalkan.

But, bila hati terbuka to make that change, all those advice given earlier, which may have seemed like buang masa aje, played a part, in helping me with the change. All the advices, played back in my head, and began to make sense.

So the point I'm trying to make is..

1. You can receive all the advice in the world, but you will only change, only when your heart is ready to change, when YOU want to change, when Allah SWT wills you to change. So ask Allah SWT to give us and the people we love, hidayah to change for the better, always.

2. And for the person giving advice.. don't give up giving advice. Even if it seems to fall of deaf ears (kalau peribahasa Melayu : bagai mencurah air ke daun keladi). Because actually the advice is stored somewhere within their neurons, and it will be retrieved, when required. Serious.

And nagging is not advice. Nagging may include mengutuk, mengata.. but advice makes a person ponder about the consequences of his/her acts.

Ok.. photo time.
These photos is in no way related to the entry above.


| nur hafizah | said...

the one u mentioned abt nasihat imam ghazali in ayyuhal walad .. there's so much truth in it .. glad u shared it here darling ..

and yes, the pictures .. wonderful ones ..


madame blossom said...

i like it when we go thru that book, actually.

| nur hafizah | said...

yes yes .. we share the same sentiments.

i like it very much too when *ust cute* goes through that book with us.

Not only that Ayyuhal Walad is much simplified than Balaghah, but the advices by Imam Ghazali is simply wonderful & meaningful! Masya Allah! :)

Sue said...

So true with point no.2 ..... wish everyone can see things from this perspective....but then its back to point no.1 eh.....

Marliza Radzi said...

betul, satu hari akan termakan juga nasihat yang baik.

woa your son main archery juga? lamanya AM tak berpanah-panahan, tapi indoor archery la. hehe.

ccute bangles!

spidey said...

thank you for sharing. am now storing within my neurons ;p

madame blossom said...


you're smart.. :D

my son suka archery.. tapi dia tak main archery regularly.. dia buat bow and arrow dia sendiri kat rumah. So.. hari tu kat this event, i brought him, so that he can try the real one. :)

wah.. u n i same.