The instructions were given to us by the sweet girl who served us at the food stalls, opposite Hotel Equitorial, Melaka. It was near midnight, after exploring Bandar Hilir, and we wanted to go to Jalan Hang Tuah before heading back, because Mai needed to bank in some money at an ATM there. Ok, that sounds quite manageable. And so we got into the car, Mai, Pink, Teddie and me.
As we moved off, I realised, "jalan terus" is not as simple, Just 200 meters ahead, this road is split, and both ways can be defined as 'jalan terus'. That's when we started going around Melaka town for the next 1 hour or so, trying to locate where Hang Tuah once walked, and then that particular ATM machine on that stretch of road and it's alleys.
But it was fun. We made quite a few U turns and almost ended up in some spooky dead end. That night, it was like we're playing treasure hunt in the town of Melaka. After we found Jalan Hang Tuah, we still had to find the ATM machine. And rupanya bukan KL aje menjerit. Melaka pun menjerit jugak kat Jalan Hang Tuah tu.
When we finally located that particular ATM machine at the corner of an alley, at the end of Jalan Hang Tuah, everyone in the car felt relieved ;p , kind of proud, and thankful. Alhamdulillah!
Then at the ATM machine, Mai realised that she had left her ATM card at Titah's house.
Itulah dia.. one of the many stories yang fun & kelakar pasal our weekend in Melaka.
The whole trip was very fun for me. So fun, Subhanallah! Alhamdulillah! Mainly, because I got to drive on the Malaysian highways and in Melaka kampung areas. I love it!! Love it!!
Too many things, but I want to jot it down. I want to remember this trip.
Ok let's see.. we left on Friday 'morning morning' (as Titah wud say =D) from my house. 7 pax in all, including me, and 2 of my girls. Pink almost couldn't make it, because she couldn't locate her passport. But Allah nak kasi dia pegi jugak. At quite the last minute, she found her passport and called me, and so we waited for her.
The journey to Melaka, itself was enjoyable. Tahulah kalau dah among girlfriends. Especially for me, driving down the highway, with nice music turned on and the girls chatting, joking and looking after my children behind, as I ignored them and enjoyed the scenery, Allah's creation. Subhanallah! The little pleasures in life. (I think by now, you'll begin to know how much I love driving.)
Hmm.. I think I'll try to fast forward.

While we were cleaning the house, my girls changed into their swimsuits and played in the big portable pool, at the verandah of the house.
Lepas tu, apa kita buat eh.. Oh, we went to Tesco. Titah nak gi Tesco, although I would have preferred to go to Jaya Jusco instead. Then at night, we had ikan bakar. Titah's house is in Serkam very near to the ikan bakar place.

Oh yup, suppose to fast forward.

Then, we drove out for breakfast at one of the warong kampung which serves the 'best' roti canai in that area.

We were going back the next morning already, and the 3 anak dara, felt that they have not had enough of shopping in town. And so, we decided to go back to town after the pasar malam exploration. My girls stayed behind with Titah at home, to watch some cartoon VCDs we had just bought. And I DROVE them back to town. This time we continued shopping at Mahkota Parade and explored Bandar Hilir. After that the Hang Tuah and ATM incident.
The next morning, I missed jemaah Subuh at the mosque. :(( It was my fault, initially I felt like I couldn't get up. So Pink went ahead without me with the house keys. But, as the azan was still going on, especially part "Assolatu khairun minannaum" I felt so guilty, I got up and quickly prepared to go to the mosque. At the door, I realised it was locked and I don't have the keys. So there goes my subuh berjemaah.
After Subuh, we prepared to go home. We went back to Jalan Hang Tuah because Mai still needed to bank in her money. But this time, with Titah the Melaka expert with us, AND the fact that we also studied Melaka roads the night before - finding the ATM this time, was a breeze.
Then had breakfast in town before making our way back to to Singapore. We used the jalan kampung, all the way to Tangkak because the girls wanted to have durians. The girls had their durian, then we were back on the highway.

Do they not look at the Camels, how they are made?
And at the Sky, how it is raised high?
And at the Mountains, how they are fixed firm?
And at the Earth, how it is spread out?
~Al Quran, Al Ghashiyah 26 : 17-20
Well I didn't see any camels, but I did see the others and I'm awed. Subhanallah!
Alhamdulillah, for this fun yet safe trip. And I also have to thank my darling hubby, for letting me go on this trip and letting us use his car.
I hope I can do it again some time not too far away.. =D.
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