Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Doing what we are designed to do

Got this from a screenplay for the movie 'Adapation'.   Before that, a bit about this screenplay - God inspired this man to write the screenplay in quite an amazing way.   It's not linear.    Charlie Kaufman, the screenwriter, was asked to write a screenplay based on a book 'The Orchid Thief', which is basically a documentary book about the orchid flower.   Through the screenplay and movie, we somewhat learn a bit about the screenwriter himself, as he has written his own character into the screenplay.  Crazy and amazing - masyaaAllaah.

Anyway, back to the main topic - this part (which may have come from the original book 'The Orchid Thief') is quite simple yet deep for me :


Everyone of these flowers has a specific relationship with the insect that pollinates it.  There is a certain orchid looking like a certain insect, so the insect is drawn to this flower - its double, its soul mate... And neither the flower nor the insect will ever understand the significance of their [relationship]..  How could they know that because of their little dance, the world lives?  But it does.  By simply doing what they are designed to do, something large and magnificent happens.  In this sense, they show us how to live.

God tells us to learn from Nature, there are great signs for people of understanding.

God tells us, we were created to worship God, and do good.   We have our roles to play, based on how God has created us.   Playing the roles we have been designed with to the best of our ability will be for the good of the people around us, for the society and the world at large, and most decisively for our own good in this world and the Hereafter.   

If only we understand and accept it.  Isn't this what submission to God is about?  What being Muslim means. 

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