Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Monday, August 15, 2022

Strength, patience and resilience

What scares me in this generation is that weakness is acknowledged and celebrated. Not much is done to promote resilience, patience, strength and resourcefulness in facing challenges. 

When there is a problem, their world easily crumbles and hope  easily lost. 

Do know that NOBODY is without any problem.  So many people have gone through worse, they overcame  and live.  

As Muslims how do we overcome challenges?  Three of many others...

1. Acknowledge that life IS a test in itself. We will always have some challenges to overcome and solve, and be rewarded for.   Yes, life is a game of challenges and rewards. 

2. Don't lose hope in Allaah's mercy upon us, Allaah's plan and help.  We earn or we learn. 
A great reward awaits us in Hereafter for our faith and patience.

3. Break our daily worldly cycles with five daily prayers. They are the anchor to keep you from getting carried away, a reminder of our purpose in life, our spiritual mental and physical break. 

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