Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A beautiful lie

What I like about the video.

The title.
The concept.
The location.
The sunset.
The edit.
The colour.
The song.
The beat.

Will we continue to ignore?
Will we continue to deny an lie?

- Innallaahu a'la kulli syai-in qadir.

Friday, August 22, 2014

God's Signs

Few ayats in the Qur'an came to mind as I watched this video.
God says it best. Do ponder.

** I'd rather it be called God's Signs. These are indeed Signs for men who ponder. May Allah guide us.

"Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones?  
Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers." (Al Qiyamah 75:3-4)

"Glorify the name of thy Guardian-Lord Most High,
Who hath created, and further, given order and proportion; " (Al A'la 87:1-2)

"Verily, all things have We created in proportion and measure." (Al Qamar 54:49)

"Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day,- there are indeed Signs for men of understanding," (Ali Imran 3:190)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Jangan "comment". Jangan melatah. Jangan melenting. Jangan menuduh tanpa bukti.
Mengata orang sesuka hati.
Jangan membuka atau menyebar aib orang.
Bawa bertenang.

Ambin Usang

Source : Mufti Singapura Fatris Bakaram FB post 13 August 2014

Di redup teduh pohon sukun itu
si ambin usang setia menunggu
rayuan nyaring ayam jantan sahut menyahut
mengusap iman tuannya mengajaknya bertasbih
menghampar tekad sebelum mentari menyapa
assolatu khairun minannaum
assolatu khairun minannaum

Di redup teduh pohon sukun itu
si ambin usang tersenyum berpangku
meriba manja hilai tawa anak-anak
yang menabur langkah kelilingnya
saling kejar-mengejar
setelah penat duduk berhenti
disambung lagi dengan sembunyi-sembunyi
ada tikanya khusyu melontar guli
membingit suasana hingga mentari meninggi

Di redup teduh pohon sukun itu
si ambin usang menadah syahdu
kelembutan suara dan sentuhan ibu-ibu
nasi hangat berkuah bening
bercecah kicap ikan selar goreng
disuap bukan hanya ke mulut anak masing-masing
kerana anak dia anak kita juga
anak kita juga anak semua

Di redup teduh pohon sukun itu
si ambin usang bersapa bayu
mentari petang menanti saat berundur di hujung ufuk
berlabuh pula kaum lelaki melepas lelah
menceritakan gerak dunia
yang usianya tua tapi mimpinya remaja
tentang manusia dengan esoknya
tentang kampung ini bila akhirnya
sehingga tenggelam mentari
si ambin usang ditinggal lagi
menanti berulangnya pagi

Di redup teduh pohon sukun itu
si ambin usang adalah warga dan keluarga
yang telah pergi mengisi ruang sejarah
namun mungkin di kota batu kita hari ini
yang sekian lama kita buntu mencari
azimat dan jampi penyatu hati
mungkin ambin usang itu perlu dijemput kembali
menyemai kuntum
menghampar hambal bersulam harum
menghembus nafas kampung
pada tembok-tembok batu yang kaku

Si ambin usang masih menunggu

- Fatris Bakaram (Mufti Singapura)
13 Ogos 2014

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

The price of time

You need to be rich to have more time.
You need to be rich to reach on time.
Or you could just grow old in journeys
To faraway schools and workplaces.

Modern times.
Cosmopolitan areas.
No real families.
Just individuals.

I digressed.
Short term concentration.
By FB and twitter.

I digressed again.
Modern times.
No time.

Friday, August 01, 2014


For reference.

Maybe I want to paint my kitchen door, like that Moroccan door.
Insyaa allaah.. if there is no violent objection. :P

In the words of Mufti Ismail Menk, "may Allah open our doors [to goodness]"

p.s. keep gaza in your prayers. And all the other oppressed people in the world. May God give them strength and guidance and tranquility in their hearts.