Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Thursday, July 17, 2008

hubby's friends

did i tell you, my hubby HAPPENS to have friends for neighbours at our new place.
Not 1, not 2, not 4, but THREE friends so far.

first there's yousri.
ok lah.. he was the one who recommended us to get a unit here.

then.. we found his other friend while we were here to check on the house. Hubby was going to go for soccer after that. Then he saw his friend, hilmy, whom he was going to play soccer with that day - and found out he's staying there too! great.

then.. on another day, he found out that one of his golf buddies, I forgot the name, has a unit here too! double great.

Anyhow, something somewhat-embarrasing-but-i-can-live-with, happened.

We found out hilmy's son goes to the same school as nadhrah, whom i have to send every morning, because the school bus cannot fetch her anymore.

hilmy came to the house the other night. I was in my room, when my hubby calls me out. he said something like "so what do u think, pagi tumpang pegi skolah (I heard something to that effect). I exclaimed to hilmy, 'REALLY?! oh ok, bagus lah!'

Then hubby had this confused look, and said, 'errm..I mean.. what about letting hilmy's son tumpang kita - we send anak dia to school skali lah.. '

I had assumed the other way. So I had to immediately change my mode/tone from thankful to helpful, and said, " OH! ok! sure, sure. no problem. boleh lah. :) "

paiseh sikit.



bluewonder said...


how's the new home?? Finished decorating ??

madame blossom said...

hi blue..

decorate sikit2 aje :) some fake plants there, fake flowers here.. da

yang nak kerjakan ni.. are my personal files.. don't know when..