Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

stargazing, Saturn and dancing banglas

I have on and off, had the interest to study astronomy, but of course it never actually happened. The least, that I want to be able to do is to recognise and name some constellations or identify a planet. Yesterday I read up a bit about stargazing. And I think I've learnt a little bit more.

I've always wondered about those stars, how astronomers can recognise them.. I mean there are like thousands of visible stars out there. Of course, the view of the universe and what planets we can see over the months/years would change, since the earth IS rotating and orbiting around the sun. I found a website where you can view the skymap, as at NOW.

Isn't it just wonderful? That universe out there.. is not just some fantasy or a dream, it's REALLY out there - and we can SEE it plainly. However, somehow, we forget that the stars we see are really far far away stars. Sometimes we feel like it's just a backdrop in the sky. We're too busy looking at stuff just under our noses, that we forget how minute and insignificant we are and how vast the universe is.. Subhanallah.

I came back home yesterday, all excited and looking forward to identifying some constellations. But the sky turned out to be mostly cloudy. I checked the internet, Saturn was supposed to be viewable by 2am.. but of course I couldn't stay up. It's a work night. So I went to sleep, after being able to see just one star in the sky, which may or may not have been the Procyon.

Then, I couldn't sleep properly. Plus.. i had the RLS (restless leg syndrome). When I kept waking up around 3 or 4 plus.. i wanted to go lie by the window and see the stars..and look out for Saturn.. but I just couldn't move myself.. too tired and sleepy.

In the end, I did fall back asleep. I dreamt that I saw Saturn in the sky, and it was so huge and beautiful. It was glowing rainbow colours. I think I was at a neighbour's house.. and then the area in front of our houses, seemed like it's all a construction site. Then all of a sudden, some Banglas arrived on a lorry.. they got down and formed a circle, and they started dancing. Don't remember hearing any music though. I went back to my place to watch some more.. I don't know at which point i actually woke up.. but I just remember seeing the Saturn a few times and it was huge!

How did those dancing banglas got into my dreams? Here's a theory. See, last Saturday I watched an old hindi movie which everyone says is good, but I have not seen a Hindi movie since i was a little girl. So that was the first dose of a looong movie with songs and coordinated dances. Plus, we also have some Bangladeshis, working on the road just outside our estate. So.. there you go.

Hmm.. Tuesday.

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