Madame Blossom's Book of Poems

Thursday, May 10, 2007

how i want my kids to learn

Do I think my kids need to be drilled to get top marks their papers or their monthly test or quarterly assessment or yearly exams? Actually I don't.
That's why, I don't feel stressed during their exams. Kalau kat ofis ni.. some mothers come to me and say 'wah.. stress ah.. our kids exams already'. I just smile.
Of course lah.. i force ask my kids to revise. But I don't get all worked up, if they don't score well or if they did badly.

Actually i think we all know, all those kids, they do not have the same interest. They do not have the same set of skills. They do not all learn at the same pace.
Just because your kid does not do well, in primary school - does not mean he is doomed to be miserable in this world when he grows up. Or just because your kid get straight As - that does not mean he'll grow up to be a rich, nice, contented person with IMAN, who will look after you when you grow old.

I've known of some kids (macam ada satu budak ni dulu.. nama dia erni..) who did quite badly in school -up to before GCE O Levels - very playful. Even failed the preliminary exams. But masyaAllah, i don't know.. sudden twist of interest at the last minute- she studied for GCE O - on subjects she liked and did quite well, alhamdulillah. People around her, couldn't believe she could get into College - in fact people around her, actually find it hard to believe that she even passed. When she called them to say that she passed and got into college - they all thought she was joking. Until they saw the results slip themselves.
If Allah SWT wills it to happen - it'll happen.

And now, as I begin to understand and ACCEPT our MAIN purpose in life, and, from observing the people and world around me, and from learning from past experiences, I've decided - not to make my kid's lives miserable by drilling them with schoolwork. If they do it, I want them to do it, because they themselves want to do it. In the meantime, what's utmost important to me, is to instill iman in them. And to let them excel in their natural interest. Like Hanaa, she's interested in cooking or baking cakes. I'd very much like her to start on that even now so that dia tak jadi macam mak dia.

Every parent has their thoughts, their aim and their style.. this is mine. And I'm not even saying that mine is the right way. Only Allah knows best.
We try our best to be good parents, and we doa to Allah SWT for the best, for both Worlds.

Hari ni, hari Khamis, besok Jumaat.

oh ya.. di atas permintaan ramai a few frens, i put that shoutbox already.. u all can shout all you want. :)


| nur hafizah | said...


I'm glad to read this entry of yours.

I'm even glad that you're the kind of mother who somehow has your priorities right - iman on top of all other things. Alhamdulillah.

I agree with you abt having to instill the best of iman in kids and nurture them the best we can as muslims.

InsyaAllah, I'll bear in mind of all these when I have my own children in future :)

And last but not least, I think you shud join Hanaa too in cooking or baking sessions :P (for fun)

Yara said...

Salams Erni,

I share your sentiments. Ask my kids. I never push them except to give them a little nudge in the back occasionally :)

madame blossom said...

i boleh jugak bljr bake.. actually kan.. i pernah lah jugak bake.. buat scones or egg tarts. pernah jadi.. tapi the natural interest is not there.. so da try brapa kali.. then.. daaaaaaaaaaaa..

kita serupa..

Marliza Radzi said...

itulah. my parents tak pernah force or try to shape apa/siapa I perlu jadi. instead, they instilled motivation and nasihat and kesedaran and of course, value.

sangat berharap boleh turn out to be a mother like you and my Ibu - yang tidak terpengaruh dengan peer pressure.

lambat lagi tapinya. hehehe.

spidey said...

same here. no much stress. all i know, eh, dah habis exam dah. hoooray!

u mcm zauji. really surprised everyone with the gce o results.

madame blossom said...


:) insyaAllah.. u'll be a goood, cool mum too! pasal u pun da ada a good role model... (no, not talking about me.. ur mum!)

anak abis exam,.. mak yang overjoy eh? ya la.. macam I.. yeah.. dah boleh keluar! so smlm tu.. i bawak diorang gi UK fun fair.. kat kampung u :)

Sue said...

Ya lor, takyah d end dorang yg choose what they want in their own life...macam mak bapak dia jugak.

madame blossom said...


macam MAK dia, especially. relak 1 corner.